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Meat diet of cheetahs - meat diet of cheetahs

20-12-2016 à 02:48:01
Meat diet of cheetahs
In Namibia and Serengeti, cheetahs are often found to hunt at night but their precise movement is not actually known due to lack of data. The young and males often move around during night while the family groups are seen almost at the same place (in the morning) where they were in the last night. Typically, cheetahs go two or more days between kills, but females with young will try to take at least one gazelle a day. This article will guide you toward a better understanding of cheetahs diet. The cheetah once occurred throughout much of Asia. But they are also fed beef, chicken and rabbit. Instead, they approach their prey, typically in plain sight, to within about a hundred meters. Due to the small size (and slow running) of Thomson gazelle, cheetahs typically succeeds. While hunting in groups, these species tend to aim at the young animals and the success rate is greater as compared to the solitary hunting. Generally, these cats take rest during the midday period while in between 0730 to 1000 and 1630 to 1930 hours they are active. Generally, in zoos cheetahs eat various ground meats, particularly, horse meat, which is less expensive since it is in less demand for human consumption. While running it exerts an immense amount of strain on its body and the body temperature tends to rise to the zenith. Mostly, they survive by taking small prey — like birds, lizards, and even insects — until bigger prey becomes available. They differ from other cats in their method of hunting. These mammals hunt by vision and not by scent. They still occur widely, but sparsely, in Africa, but even there they have disappeared from three-quarters of the areas where they were formerly present.

In Mara, cheetahs are known to spend almost 12 hours each day while checking out for nearby threat. Cheetahs are medium-sized cats that focus on prey that can be taken by speed. Cheetahs are believed to be the diurnal hunters as against big cats which usually hunt at night. These wild cats aim for those animals that are dissuaded form their groups. Many zoos use commercial meat-based feed made specifically for cheetahs in captivity. If they overtake their victim, they bowl it over and strangle it with a bite to the neck. According to the IUCN, cheetahs have disappeared from more than 90 percent of their historic range. Being carnivorous by nature, cheetahs predominantly eat mammals below the weight of 40 kg (88 lb). They can, however, scan or recognize their prey from a real distance especially when they are sitting on top of a mound. They also take on impalas and other small to medium-sized antelopes. Like other mammals, cheetah cubs live off milk. They only begin to eat meat when they are about six weeks old. Cheetahs living in Serengeti are known to hunt later in the morn or in the earlier part of the noon possibly to avoid other carnivores including lions and hyenas. In Sahara, for instance, cheetahs mostly hunt at night mainly due to the fact that the temperature can reach 43 degree centigrade in the daytime while it drops down in night. Sometimes, too, they prey on the calves of larger animals. Cheetahs are not strong enough to break the neck of the medium sized prey it hunts. Being diurnal, cheetah primarily utilizes daylight hours to hunt but the hours fairly differ from region to region.

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